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2024暑期 荷蘭Countertechnique當代舞課程—報名表單 Summer Workshop
荷蘭編舞家 Anouk van Dijk(澳洲舞蹈團 Chunky Move 的前藝術總監)在長達 35 年的舞者、編舞家和教師生涯中,創建和開發的肢體訓練系統。以清晰且縝密的結構,為獨立舞者的身心調整提供了客製化的練習工具,透過一套當代舞技巧訓練課程,解構接收到的訊息轉化為行動的過程,協助與促進舞者的思考與連結。
【課程時間 l 地點】
時間 l 7月9日-7月12日,總計4天
地點 l #R13半島體創作基地 (新北市八里區龍米路一段138巷5號4樓)
場地合作 l 壞鞋子舞蹈劇場 bare feet dance theatre
🔷肢體訓練課程 (可單堂報名)
【授課教師簡介—EMA YUASA 日本 】
資深舞蹈藝術家,曾任職於德國德勒斯登芭蕾舞團(Dresden Ballet)、法國尼斯歌劇院(L’Opera de Nice)、並在荷蘭舞蹈劇院(NDT) 擔任職業舞者11年,自 2016 年起成為自由工作者,與Mats Ek和 Sasha Waltz, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Damine Jalet等人合作,近年來,她受邀演出於森山未來 x 中野信子 x Ella Rothschild 的《FORMULA》和Peeping Tom 的《MOEDER》,目前為 Damien Jaret x Kohei Nawa 的《Planet [wanderer] 》的世界巡迴舞者,也獲第 13 屆和第 15 屆日本舞蹈論壇獎。
🔹報名詢問請洽 許小姐 /
English Version
Countertechnique was created and developed by Dutch choreographer, dancer and teacher Anouk van Dijk, former artistic director of Australian dance company Chunky Move.
Countertechnique provides tools for body and mind to deal with the demanding dance practice of the 21st century. It is a movement system to help the dancer think about the dancing body, focusing on the process of incorporating information into action.
Within a clear structure of exercises the Countertechnique class thoroughly prepares the body for rehearsal and performance, enabling dancers to move bigger, more fluidly and more spatially, while becoming stronger and more flexible. Dancers are encouraged to be pro-active in discovering connections and solutions, to be less concerned with judging themselves and to work in a healthy way with regard to body and mind.
It makes daily training a valuable investment in the dancer’s own development, as well as interesting personal research.
TIME l July 9 - July 12, total 4 days
LOCATION l #R13 Bare Feet Dance Theatre studio(4F, No. 5, Lane 138, Sec. 1, Longmi Rd. New Taipei City)
STUDIO PARTNERSHIP l Bare Feet Dance Theatre
The class starts with a recurring set of exercises, allowing dancers to investigate the Countertechnique® principles in detail. The second half of the class consists of changing components, working towards luscious movement combinations and jumping at the end. It stretches, coordinates and strengthens the body, making the dancer sweat, build stamina and really move.
Professional dance artist. Born in Japan, Ema trained in classical ballet. After her graduation in 2002, she danced with the Dresden Ballet in Germany and L’Opera de Nice in France before joining Nederlands Dans Theater (NDT) for 11 years and danced works by Kylian, Ek, Forsythe, Naharin, Pite, Sharon Eyal, among others.
In 2016, she became a freelancer and worked with various choreographers and artists such as Sasha Waltz, Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui, Tomoko Mukaiyama, Toshiki Okada, etc, and has performed in dance and theater performances all over the world, while also collaborate and create with various artists as a choreographer. In recent years, she has appeared in Mirai Moriyama x Nobuko Nakano x Ella Rothschild's "FORMULA'' and Peeping Tom's "MOEDER'', and is currently participating in the world tour of Damien Jaret x Kohei Nawa's Planet [wanderer]’’. She won the 13th and 15th Japan Dance Forum Awards.
It is suitable for all dancers from 1st year Bachelor students to highly experienced professionals, working in all classical, modern and contemporary dance forms. The classes are always adapted in content and complexity to the participants’ technical level, as well as their previous experience with Countertechnique.
The program is open to all professional contemporary dancers, dancers who are looking to build their own style, or students who are about to start the professional career.
◆ The course will be conducted in English.
◆Countertechnique is a contemporary dance movement system, full participation will help individuals to get the full understanding.
◆ Early bird registration offer $4,350TWD (25% off) is only available to those who register and complete the payment before May 30th 2024. First comes first serve.
◆14:00-16:00 Physical Countertechnique Training, single class, only offer limited spots.
◆Your registration will only complete after you compete the payment.
◆In case of cancellation, we refund the entire workshop fee minus a processing fee of $30TWD up until 30 days before the workshop begins. Until 15 days before the workshop begins, we refund 50% of the workshop fee minus a processing fee of 30TWD. Afterwards, there will not any refund fee.
For registration enquiries, please contact Mrs. Hsu.
Tue 9 Jul – Fri 12 Jul,
14:00 – 21:00
Bare Feet Dance Theatre
Taipei (TW)