Countertechnique Teacher Training (CTTT) 2024 - FAQ 

What is the CTTT? 

Countertechnique provides tools for body and mind to deal with the demanding dance practice of the 21st century. Countertechnique is a copyright and trademark protected brand. The Countertechnique Teacher Training (CTTT) is a program that trains dancers to become certified Countertechnique teachers. Besides Founder Anouk van Dijk, there are currently 51 other teachers, all of them on our website. 

What does the CTTT 2024 program consist of? 

The CTTT 2024 will be directed by Founder Anouk van Dijk, and Senior Teacher Elita Cannata. The program will address both the theoretical principles of the Countertechnique movement system and the  practical training method. For Aspirants, the main focus of the CTTT Intensive will be on understanding the general class structure and exercises (the so-called 'Skeleton'), and how to build and teach a basic Countertechnique class.  

All Aspirants will be required to follow a three-day ‘pre-CTTT’ training, as preparation for the actual CTTT. The pre-CTTT is a short crash course in Countertechnique teaching, a way to ‘warm up’ for the CTTT. After you have participated in the Pre-CTTT, you will practice what you have learnt in an informal teaching setting, as part of your preparations for the two-week CTTT Intensive. The pre-CTTT will reference the first reading material: ‘Workbook for Teachers Part I: the Skeleton’, as well as ‘Theory and Toolbox Overview’. Dates and location will be discussed with successful applicants; in-person attendance is highly recommended, but if travel is not possible you can attend via Zoom.  

The two-week CTTT for the aspirant Teachers will consist of deepening practical and theoretical understanding of Countertechnique, developing own class material and practice teaching. Additional reading material will be provided: ‘Countertechnique Workbook for Teachers Part II: Introduction to a Teaching Method’. So expect to make time to study in preparation for the CTTT 2024, as well time to study and practice outside the CTTT hours. The course will conclude with a theoretical and practical exam.

Am I eligible to participate? 

To join the CTTT program as an Aspirant, you're required to have at least three years of experience as a professional dancer. Previous teaching experience is an advantage, but not required. All aspiring Teachers are, however, expected to have attended a substantial number of Countertechnique classes and to have taken part in one or more workshops by Anouk van Dijk or other senior and/or master teachers, of which at least one “One Body, One Career” Intensive (OBOC) before commencement of the CTTT 2024. During these classes and workshops you should have displayed a thorough physical and analytical understanding of the principles of the Countertechnique, and have shown to be able to convincingly incorporate this in your own dancing. Further criteria that determine the final eligibility for the CTTT program are pedagogical skills, use and understanding of the English language and the personal motivation in joining the program, including time one can and wants to spend on studying, practicing and developing. If you do not meet all of the above criteria, but nonetheless feel you have a  very strong case for why you expect to be successful at completing the CTTT, please feel free to apply.  

How many Aspirants will be admitted to the CTTT 2024? 

The CTTT always consists of a group of existing teachers returning for their next certification, and aspiring teachers. CTTT participants will work together and separate in different sessions. For the CTTT 2024 there is place for a maximum of 8 Aspirants, next to a maximum of the 8 Returning Teachers.  

When will I become certified? 

At the end of the CTTT, the aspiring Teachers should know the general framework and exercises of a basic Countertechnique class (the Skeleton), they should have an incorporated understanding of the Countertechnique Principle and they should be able to pro-actively apply Countertechnique tools in their  own dancing. If these conditions are met, and if the Aspirant is able to confidently structure, build and lead a basic Countertechnique class, the Aspirant will graduate and receive an official Countertechnique  Teacher Certification. The decision which participants meet the above criteria is taken at the full discretion of the CTTT Faculty.

If I successfully complete the CTTT 2024, do I receive a certificate? 

Yes! You will receive a beautifully designed, official certificate. You will also receive your own email-account, as well as set of digital photographs of yourself teaching during the CTTT, for use in your practice as a Teacher. We will also include your personal profile on our website and in the Countertechnique Brochure (PDF) we provide to Teachers to do their own acquisition. You will be given access to our online event database, you will have administrator rights to our Countertechnique Facebook- and Instagram-page and you will be invited to join our closed Countertechnique Pro-group on Facebook, which serves as a forum for all teachers to communicate with each other throughout the year on any questions they might have, problems they encounter or fun things they’d just like to share with others. 

What happens when at the end of the CTTT I do not qualify to be a certified Teacher?

You will remain an Aspirant, but will not be allowed to teach Countertechnique yet. If you want to continue your training as a Countertechnique teacher, you will be able to attend the 2025 CTTT at a 50% discounted fee. In between the two CTTT’s, you are expected to attend at least one One Body, One Career Intensive, and take as many Countertechnique classes and workshops as possible. Although we are open about the fact that certification is never guaranteed, and participation is therefore at your own risk, we are absolutely committed to make a maximum effort to have all participants obtain their certification. It is important, however, to realise that the CTTT can provide an enormous impulse to everyone’s career in dance, regardless of the certification. Every single participant will benefit from the new knowledge, skills and inspiration they will gain from the CTTT on both a personal and professional level. 

When can I start teaching? 

You will be able to start teaching Countertechnique classes after successfully completing the two-week CTTT Intensive and becoming a certified Countertechnique Teacher.  

What happens after I graduate and start teaching Countertechnique? 

The Countertechnique movement system is very layered, and contains more information than we can share in the first teacher training - and more than you would be able to absorb in that time. Because we want you to have a full understanding of the system, and be the best teacher you can be, the Countertechnique Teacher Training Program holds a long-term commitment. For all Teachers and Senior Teachers, it is therefore required that at least three CTTT Intensives are attended within a ten-year period, and that a certain amount of classes per year is being taught to ensure your personal development.

At every CTTT, we will add different layers of information, and mentor you to progress issues you have encountered in your teaching practice. Each Teacher Certification has a different focus: the first CTTT offers a general introduction, and focuses on understanding and building the Countertechnique Skeleton and how to teach the basic exercises of the class; the second CTTT delves into the relation between pedagogy and the Countertechnique Principle, offering feedback and more extensive Skeleton work; the third CTTT is tailored to the specific needs and interests of each teacher, and addresses topics such as adapting the Skeleton to specific groups, individual coaching, teaching different levels and moving into studio leadership roles.

Additional, shorter modules are available for certified teachers, such as ‘Teaching Countertechnique in Series and Curriculum’ (after completing the first CTTT successfully), which looks at teaching inside a more continuous setting, such as (pre-)professional dance education; and ‘Practical Tools for Teachers' (after completing the second CTTT), which introduces strategies for workshops.

Countertechnique has three teachers certification levels: Teacher, Senior Teacher and Master Teacher. As you progress in your development, you might be eligible for a higher level of certification.  

What does participation in the CTTT 2024 cost?  

Our organisation is fiscally based in the Netherlands and the fee is therefore in Euro’s. The total fee for Aspirants attending their first CTTT in 2024 is 3,650 EUR.** This excludes the fee for the pre-CTTT (450 EUR **), which is a 3-day preparation ahead of the CTTT that is required for most participants. The fees are payable in three separate transactions, 1.000 EUR due on 24 February 2024, 1.550 EUR due on 12 May 2024, and 1.550 EUR is due on 21 July 2024.** 

**If you pay your full fee in one payment by 24 February 2024, you will receive a discount of 100 EUR. 

What happens if I can’t attend?  

The program has a very limited capacity, and we select only candidates who we think are ready. As a very small organisation, we can’t take responsibility for participants cancelling their attendance. As we’re unable to absorb the loss of income resulting from cancellations, all payments are non-refundable and non-transferable. For this reason, we highly recommend always taking out travel insurance, to allow you to reclaim costs in case of injury, illness or other unforeseen circumstances.  

Are there any scholarships available?

In 2024, Countertechnique for the first time has a limited number of scholarships available: we are able to reduce the fee of the CTTT for a selection of successful applicants that would both significantly contribute to the diversity of our current teacher group and are also able to demonstrate clear financial need. On the application form, applicants can make a short statement about both criteria and the level of support they would be seeking. The assessment of any scholarships request is made at the discretion of the Countertechnique organisation exclusively; consultation from members of underrepresented communities within our teacher group will be sought.

All selected participants that are seeking financial support themselves will - at their request - be supplied with a letter of reference from Countertechnique to support their independent efforts.

Why is there a pre-CTTT training?  

Ten days is not a lot of time to instruct you to teach Countertechnique on your own. We want to make sure you have the best preparation possible, and get all participants as much as possible to a comparable level of understanding before they start the CTTT in August 2024. The pre-CTTT serves as a crash course in Countertechnique teaching, to ‘warm up’ for the CTTT. After you have participated in the Pre-CTTT – in person is strongly recommended and most effective, but if travel is not possible, through an online platform -, you will practice what you have learnt in an informal teaching setting, as part of your preparations for the two-week CTTT Intensive.  

Most Aspirants are expected to participate in the pre-CTTT training, the dates will be decided together with the participating aspiring Teachers, most likely 3 days in the second week of May 2024 (Amsterdam) and/or 15,16,17 June 2024 (Los Angeles). 

Do I need to attend the OBOC?  

Yes! For all participants it is mandatory to attend the “One Body, One Career” Intensive (OBOC) in 2024, in either Los Angeles (3 – 14 June) or Amsterdam (27 July – 6 August). As two weeks is a very short period for sharing the vast volume of information you will receive during your first CTTT, it is critical that your understanding of the Countertechnique tools as a dancer, and the application of these tools in your  dancing, are at the highest possible level before you start the CTTT. At rare occasions, we make an exception to this rule, for dancers who have attended multiple OBOC’s and/or whose dancing and  understanding of Countertechnique we consider to be at the required level for participation in the CTTT.  

Attending the “One Body, One Career” Intensive 2024 – which will be mandatory for all participants - would also incur a separate fee. This event is organised separately from the CTTT, together with external partners; we’re therefore not able to offer any discounts on the OBOC fees.  

What is the difference between OBOC and CTTT?  

OBOC is about learning how to apply Countertechnique to your own dancing, and expands physical awareness, understanding of tools and movement vocabulary. You will gather tools and learn where those are placed in the Countertechnique Toolbox, and you will develop a pro-active mentality to applying tools in your own dancing. OBOC looks at all this from the dancer’s perspective. In the CTTT the focus is on deepening theoretical knowledge and developing teaching skills.  

Once I am certified, what additional costs can I expect?  

After completing the CTTT course, you will be making an annual financial contribution towards the service the organisation provides in hosting the website and email accounts, doing advertisements for classes and workshops, and coordinating incoming teaching requests. The annual contribution for 2023 is 100 euro per year; this amount is subject to a slight annual increase.  

I can’t make it the first / last day(s) of the 2024 CTTT Intensive, is that a problem?

Yes, it is. Unfortunately we accept only participants that can be present for the whole duration of the CTTT Intensive. If however you feel you would be eligible for the CTTT program based on your experience as a dancer and a Countertechnique practitioner, as well as on your motivation, you should send in an Expression of Interest marked “CTTT 2025” – that way we know who you are, and we can keep an eye on you while you participate in classes, workshops and intensives in order to be selected for participation in the 2025 CTTT Intensive. 

Based on the selection criteria above I do not qualify. Should I apply anyway?

Everyone is invited to submit an application via the Expression of Interest form. If you are interested in becoming a Countertechnique Teacher at a later time, you should send in an Expression of Interest marked “CTTT 2025” – that way we know who you are, and we can keep an eye on you while you participate in classes, workshops and intensives in order to be selected for participation in the 2025 CTTT Intensive.

How can I apply? 

You will be required to fill in your registration as soon as possible, which you can fill in online here. The registration fee required is 50 EUR.  

Where does the CTTT 2024 take place? 

The CTTT 2024 takes place in the Chassé Studios in Amsterdam (the Netherlands), the home of the Henny Jurriëns Studio, international training center for professional dancers. 

Do you provide housing in Amsterdam for participants? 

We do not provide or arrange housing, but we do provide some basic information for everyone to find housing themselves and we will do a call out to the local community to offer affordable housing options.  

What else? 

This FAQ Sheet answers the questions that are relevant at this stage of the selection procedure. As soon as you get selected for participation in CTTT, we will send you the full CTTT Program Agreement, a ten-page document outlining exactly how the program works, what can be expected of our organisation and what are your responsibilities and obligations as a teacher. You will be required to sign a copy of this agreement in order to participate in the CTTT 2024. In addition, you will also be required to sign a License Agreement ahead of the event; this license will, however, become active only after succesful completion of the CTTT.

Where can I get more information? 

Please visit all the pages on our website, make sure you read this FAQ page thoroughly and check out the Registration Form. If you have a question that is not addressed in any of these documents, then please send an email to 



** Teachers based in Europe who are registered for BTW will be charged 21% BTW on top of the fee in order to keep the net cost equal for all participants.